Orbis vs. Ray Flash: both in shooting position, side view, Ray Flash ring is in front of the Orbis ring

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Orbis vs. Ray Flash: both in shooting position, side view, Ray Flash ring is in front of the Orbis ring
both in shooting position, side view, Ray Flash ring is in front of the Orbis ring

Orbis vs. Ray Flash: both in shooting position, Ray Flash front, Orbis back
Orbis vs. Ray Flash: both in shooting position, side view, Ray Flash ring is in front of the Orbis ring
Orbis vs. Ray Flash: side-by-side, size/design comparison
Orbis vs. Ray Flash: attachment design comparison, Orbis (right) features a universal mount
Orbis vs. Ray Flash: Orbis example, evenly lit frame, some weakness in the sides of the contour shadow
Orbis vs. Ray Flash: Ray Flash example, significant light falloff, dead spot at the top
Orbis vs. Ray Flash: light distribution inside the Orbis ring
Orbis vs. Ray Flash: light distribution pattern inside the Ray Flash ring
Orbis vs. Ray Flash: light loss comparison (Orbis sample), the image is about 3 f-stops underexposed
Orbis vs. Ray Flash: light loss comparison (Ray Flash sample), approx. 3 f-stop advantage
Orbis vs. Ray Flash: Orbis against a wall, bottom part of the image shows some color cast